Hmmm.. that's kinda sophisticated now isn't it? Well, id like to add that now and again we need some self discipline. Those who embark on the consequentialness that some would transpire into an exit only sign, will forever be trampled by tailor made gloves.
hat. Mexico. Farmer. Dark skin. Tan. Hard for some. Soft feeling back plate. New phone.
BRaaaaaaains. Plants vs Zombies.
to be. Flame broiled eggs? Negative. Prolonged radioactive transparency... and change. Last I knew, the cow tipped.
is my Dad's name! I guess this could be referring to stepping slowly, only to engulf just half of the body in water, but not for me! Love ya Dad!
The pavement. And burn the rubber. Test drive fast cars. Move the mountains. Contain the miracle. Decide the future. Create literature. Endure 13 miles. Clandestine. Milk. Forget. Forgot.
WOW- not exactly what I was expecting, but I guess I'm forced to tell the story: This weekend was a dual bachelor party weekend; didn't think it was going to get crazy since the two college friends are engineers at heart, but indeed it did. Party bus; destination strip club. Second time in my life, but halfway thru saw the bachelor I was hosting walk up to a female. Since he can't pay for anything, I had my eyes on him and got up to intervene... I recognized this girl. For sure. For sure, for sure. Went to elementary school w/her. Lol, damn. Figured it was only a matter of time 'till she saw me at this place, so it was a perfect opportunity to break the ice and also to get the best dance for my friend possible. In exchange? Me not telling anyone I know she works there. Good times.... aaaaaaaaaand got a little dance myself for the road :) lol Best story I can never tell.
How bout Murals. One day, I would like a complete room or celling dedicated to one. Nature, mountain ranges, graffiti... it's gunna be good.
Never in my life.. not. You HAVE to fail to succeed; no way around it. The more mistakes, the more you've learned. However, you can very well learn vicariously. BUT, personal progression is the direct result of chance and risk.
Like camping :)
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