The lotion was applied in the most curious maner and because of that I feared I wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. This ride has me scared for my life and my only option is to hold on or be dropped in the dust, left to my tears.
Despite the lack of reference to a good reputation, I'm turning it all around. I'm done putting up with the bullshit that I bring upon myself. It's tiring and get's me nowhere I seem like a failure to my father because of it.
The love I've placed in you has driven me crazy. Beyond belief. I didn't even know the drive was possible. I've cried and placed my faith in you but I just don't know. Sometimes it doesn't seem worth it.
The bagels cost a certain amount. $1. That was it. The special price of the day there were exactly 13 in the bakers dozen and so $13 was the price.