
August 16th, 2011 | 1,002 Entries

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1,002 Entries for “repeat”

  1. I love to repeat my songs. Over and over again, I’ll play you till the end. Every letter means something different, because my songs are my notes from heaven. Play them again, see my heart. Hear my voice. Love me till they’re over.

  2. Repeat again and again i have seen you many times every day one after another and the story goes on and on repeating itself.

  3. repeat. isn’t that what we do so many times without even thinking. we repeat the same mistakes over and over despite the warning of insanity that we all have heard.

    repeat. isn’t that what we do so many times without even thinking. we repeat the same mistakes over and over despite the warning of insanity that we all have heard.

    repeat. isn’t that what we do so many times without even thinking. we repeat the same mistakes over and over despite the warning of insanity that we all have heard.

    repeat. isn’t that what we do so many times without even thinking. we repeat the same mistakes over and over despite the warning of insanity that we all have heard.

    repeat. isn’t that what we do so many times without even thinking. we repeat the same mistakes over and over despite the warning of insanity that we all have heard.

    repeat. isn’t that what we do so many times without even thinking. we repeat the same mistakes over and over despite the warning of insanity that we all have heard.

    repeat. isn’t that what we do so many times without even thinking. we repeat the same mistakes over and over despite the warning of insanity that we all have heard.

    repeat. isn’t that what we do so many times without even thinking. we repeat the same mistakes over and over despite the warning of insanity that we all have heard.

    repeat. isn’t that what we do so many times without even thinking. we repeat the same mistakes over and over despite the warning of insanity that we all have heard.

    repeat. isn’t that what we do so many times without even thinking. we repeat the same mistakes over and over despite the warning of insanity that we all have heard.

    repeat. isn’t that what we do so many times without even thinking. we repeat the same mistakes over and over despite the warning of insanity that we all have heard.

    Running Coach
  4. Let’s do everything again. I wish we had the time. I would do it all again with you without hesitation. Repeat every kiss, every conversation, for a thousand times. Every time my nose filled with your scent.

  5. what i do with you. do the same things over and over till im sick and bored and forcing myself to pick you up again because thats what im supposed to do, because i need to. or i simply stop and then i play you and thats where the real benefits begin to come in. theres no music in practice and thats when it begins becomes an art, something more than a simple disciipline – youre a part of me.

  6. God is faithful… God is faithful…He is faithful… in keeping His promises… in fulfilling the purpose he has for us… He is faithful… overflowing…faithful…grace…love…mercy…faithful….


  7. over and over he said the same awful words to me. i couldnt take it anymore. i was going numb of hearing. this man was killing me slowly and painful as he spoke…. i screamed out into the tape that was wrapped around my face, and hands. his fingers trailed down my spine, while he held the knife in his other hand. the last words i heard were those that brought me such pain, that i was stupid enough to fall for a guy like him… “i never even loved you.” and then the knife was in my back, my last scream muffled by the tape.

  8. The word repeat reminds me of my Ellie girl when I have to ask her the same things time after timeI repeat myself so much that I wonder if she even hears me.

    Linda Johnson
  9. Repeat. I think I will repeat what I am typing. Repeat. It’s like a do over. You get another chance.

    RaNae Tracy
  10. I hate people that keep repeating things over and over over again. They say the same thing one day and the next day they say it all over again. You can even see them a week later and they tell you the same story.

    Yolanda Hidalgo
  11. Repeat love, and you don’t change. Repeat life, and you get nothing. The repeat of repeating love and life creates a world in which no learning happens and experience is a cloud floating away. To repeat is not to live at all; to repeat is to not love at all.

  12. repeat, repeat, monotony. sunrise, sunset, swiftly go the days. (bright eyes) i used to be miserable because i felt my life was so repetitive. its good to not feel that way now…

  13. and all of a sudden the world was repeating over and over again everything everyone else said not one utterance was released from within everything was something someone else once said or someone else once did but these things happen said the cat to the mouse if you want to be repeated repeat someone else.

  14. I tried to repeat what he was saying, but it made no sense to me. “Hourraaaa” he said, as if celebrating a cricket match in slow motion. “Hourraaaa”. I tried to ask him what he was saying, but I felt like i was in slow motion too, moving through treacle and unable to talk or walk any faster. He started to slide away from me and I knew it was too late to reach him.

  15. repeat. my favorite song. my favorite dance moves. my favorite recipes. my favorite quotes. my favorite moments in life, which i can never go back to. especially because, now that they’ve passed, time has ruined their perfection. like those moments with you that will never be the same since i realized that you were abusive.

  16. I hate to repeat a word when I’m talking in a group. It makes me think people are not listening at all. There’s nothing worse than people pretending to be involved with what you are saying, only to find out they just think they were being polite. When in actuality, they are rude and bad communicators. I always say, or I think it was Pooh Bear, who always said – if you’re not going to say anything nice, don’t say anything at all! Actually I think that was Thumper from Bambi. Who knows!? with all these children’s movies and metaphors, I can’t tell one from the other.

  17. sometimes I think that is what I do is repeat, repeat and repeat. And then maybe it will stick in my brain. I guess it’s the same thing we’ve done with our kids forever.

    merri ann simmons
  18. repetition. a DJ repeating the beat with a swipe of his hand.

  19. Did I repeat myself? Did I repeat myself? I don’t like it when people don’t listen to you and you end up repeating yourself.

    Shelley Reynolds
  20. Repeat is what I do every time that I type. I have to repeat the workds because I make too many mistakes. Repeat is what we do in order to memorize what we are learning. Repeating is a way to learn.

  21. When you love a song, you push the repeat button. Then your song plays over and over again until you are sick of it! It’s sad but that is the way it goes.

    Katelyn Norman
  22. Repeat repeat… everything is just sometimes a routine. Many times routines must be broken, because it affects the way that we think. It can be about people our everyday lives. Sometimes routine can have positive and negative affets. it depends on how we utilize it.

  23. i really like that we have this website. i always did this in class and i needed a good legit place to spill.. all thoes other websites suck at everything and all your pals from fb can see what your feeling. i wish i could run away. i say it often and i really shouldnt but i do. i hate how things are right now and i dont wanna be here

  24. Repetition is the most depressing things i’ve come across. It’s how most people live their lives, with a repeatative routine. Wake up, eat breakfast, work, come home, eat dinner, sleep. No variety. What’s the point? Where is the life, the energy?

  25. again and again and again. Practise makes perfect. Or it drives you crazy. Try try and try again. That’s what matters, to try. To not give up. Learn it parrot fashion, pretty polly, like little kids who love to repeat things again and again and again…

  26. rip it. rip it. rip it. like a toad’s groans, his heartbeat told me repeatedly that i should win this time. even it told me to rip his/itself before he could, mine. again. and so i do this time, i walk away and not care. of course he comes back or i do, I’m not sure if it matters who. and it happens again and again. until we’ve ripped enough of each other that nothing beating is left.

  27. a rainless winter blue
    birds emerge
    from songs like bells
    awakening a temple

    i kiss you
    despite the blue wrens

    comes, goes
    preceding the southerly wind

    a cold grey front
    spills across a dark ocean

    call me later, you say
    a seashell to my ear
    our fingertips like a pagoda
    like spokes in a wheel

  28. a rainless winter blue
    birds emerge
    their songs like bells
    awakening a temple

    i kiss you
    despite the blue wrens

    comes, goes
    preceding the southerly wind

    a cold grey front
    spills across dark ocean

    call me later, you say
    a seashell to my ear
    our fingertips like a pagoda
    like spokes in a whell

  29. Running on repeat = history.

  30. The song was on eternal repeat.

  31. I asked my sister if she would repeat what she just said. “Mom died sometime in the night… the hospital said that it was just old age that killed her.” But I knew better than to believe that. Mom had been one of the healthiest people I knew. And worse, there was a man I suspected of hurting her.

  32. Over and over. She always came back to him. Over and over. His hand hard against her soft pink cheek. Over and over. She said that he loved her. Over and over. He never stopped. Over and over. “He loves me,” she said. Over and over.

  33. Should I take the repeat? In baroque music one usually does, but to modern listeners it sounds boring. In Celtic music one repeats each section and then the whole piece three times–a Celtic knot–except that no repeat can be exact. The ornamentation, instrumentation, something changes in each repeat.

  34. Leftover pizza & lasagna. A good 80s or 90s movie. A great book with awesome characters. A cool trip, a good view. A great restaurant. A good recipe. A great game. Repeat that which makes you happy.

  35. Repeat that? There’s nothing more you can do for me? After 4 different medications? Didn’t you take some kind of an oath as a doctor to do whatever you can do? You discust me.

  36. I will repeat all the pain life broth me, just to relief the little moment with you

    i love you, again and again

  37. repeat and relive the joy
    or repeat and relive the pain
    why don’t we learn from our mistakes?
    why do we fail to repeat
    yet why don’t we repeat…
    all i would say is…
    “a repeat please…”

  38. This keeps happening.
    When I was young, repeat made me think of simple things, reruns or the shadow game. But these days the word repeat makes me think of you. And fighting with you about the same unresolved things over and over again.
    Questioning if it’s worth it is a repeat these days as well.
    Then I see you and the only repeated thought in my mind is, “I love him. I love him. I love him.”
    The repeated fights take their toll. But it’s worth it. Because you’re worth it.
    Fight, forgive, repeat: Love.

  39. approach without creativity… problem with synonimic solution to what others might call ‘word’. Osmosis of non-smiling, procrastinating, lack of need to push forward whatever it takes.

  40. Don’t you just hate failing? Especially when it doesn’t happen to you that often. Repeating something you’ve failed means you weren’t good enough the first time, and there are no guarantees that you’ll make it through round two. I had never failed a test in my life until I was 19. Within 2 weeks of each other, I failed out of college and failed my first attempt at a driving test. It completely ruined me. I couldn’t speak to anyone for weeks without crying.
