
January 3rd, 2016

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79 Responses to “exact”

  1. “Well, to be exact I didn’t really…well…umm-” I stammered. “You didn’t what, honey,” said my teacher silkily, her voice dangerously smooth. “This doesn’t have anything to do with your homework now does it? Hmmm?” I tried to calm myself. Unfortunately, it DID have something to do with my homework. “Well…I didn’t…well…umm…finish…kinda…my homework,” I mumbled.

  2. She sighed and turned away from the depressing scene. She had turned the last water marked and crinkly page in the book, frail with age, and the wonderful story had ended. Exactly as she had dreaded…but wait! Was that a sequel she spotted?

  3. i can’t tell you when i fell in love with you, i don’t think there was an exact moment i fell hard and fast.

    jen norris
  4. i can’t tell you when i exactly fell in love with you, i don’t think there was an exact moment i fell hard and fast.

    jen norris
  5. The blade went down the line, one quick and smooth motion, the man’s face pressed against the table as he did so. He lifted himself. Turned the page. Lowered himself. Cut again.

  6. Those were his exact words. Exact measurements. Statistics.
    Sometimes it’s good to be exact. So you don’t miss trains and coaches. And seeing people and things you look forward to.

  7. The exact amount of time it takes Severus Snape to walk his way over to Lily Evans’ house in the morning is four minutes, fifty-three seconds, and eight milliseconds. He hasn’t yet had coffee – he’s not allowed any during the holidays – and a yellow bruise on his thigh is making it hard to walk. This time, it takes him just over nine minutes.

  8. if there is anything you have to say, say exactly what it is instead of sitting there making me guess what’s bothering you. I get tired of the game; I grow weary of the silence that you use against me to punish me for things that I did not to. So open your mouth, let fly out of it whatever it is you’re thinking, scream if you must, just get it out. When I say exactly, that is what I mean because here is exactly what I think: That we’ve been together too long, that you need someone else, that I need a break from being with anyone except the cat, who, by the way, says exactly what she means without uttering a single word. Can’t you do that, just one time? Because even if you say, “I can’t stand being here any more,” at least I will know who you are.

  9. este exact invers decît mă aşteptam să fie. exact aşa cum spuneai tu că va fi. exact în momentul în care nu a fost să fie.

  10. I have given up trying to care about being exact. Once a person of black and white beliefs, I am more intrigued by the grey now. It justifies my own actions as well as let’s me forgive some of others. It’s a blessing in disguise.

  11. The exact moment of life can stop at any time. We are here on earth only for a little time. No one knows the exact day or time they will pass but it still is very scary. God put you on earth at the exact moment to live a purpose.

  12. The exact meaning of why I’m doing this is clear. Love myself. Love is not an exact science. It’s very un-exact. It’s neve the same for anybody. Just try.

  13. There is a reason to do exactly one thing at a time. The way we are suppose to do things take time and patience. Sometimes we want to rush and get through the day but looking back when you rush through life you don’t see the little things.

  14. He had said ‘yes’, but he couldn’t be exactly sure. Had it really been the way he remembered it? The faces and colours and sounds were all whipped up and streaking across his mind now.

  15. Uuuu I don’t know what to say

    Michael A.Sanchez
  16. I’m fat for exact I fat so much food I stink and smell like cheese puffs and piazza. But I have gone on a diet and only way a pound and slim

    Michael A.Sanchez
  17. That was fun, to many typos slowed me down.

  18. I know the exact thing I want in life. I want to go life coach, I need to attract the right leaders to myself and I will. I need them to attract leadters and want to grow just as

  19. I got the question exactly correct. I was so happy about it.

  20. I don’t remember the exact moment that I knew I wanted to be with Nathan, but I wish I could go back and take it back. I wish I could tell my past self that being with him was the worst idea I’d ever have. I will never be happy. I don’t know the exact moment I knew I would never be happy with him, either. I keep hoping I’m wrong. I keep being right. He keeps proving me exactly right, every single goddamn day. I can’t escape.

  21. Exact means perfect. And, as we all know from cheesy typography on the internet, there is no such thing as a perfect person. So does that mean there is no such thing as an exact person, either? I’m not exactly a person? What am I, part banana?

  22. i do not know the exact answer to this problem.

  23. i need to get this exact toy for my little sis or she will never let me live this down.

  24. Always so precise. You keep a list; it’s neat and nice. You want to cut the details thin to find the stress that lurks within. Keep it simple, stupid people say. You want to stop, but you like it this way.

  25. Always so precise. You keep a list; it’s neat and nice. You want to cut the details thin to find the stress that lurks within. Keep it simple, stupid people say. You want to stop, but you like it this way.

    Megan D
  26. Precise

    Kaye Miller
  27. Precise. A word that enables us to believe that we have some semblence of perfection. Is it a reality? Perhaps. Maybe its not. Maybe being a little off is what we need to be human. TO allow us to enjoy life in all its asymmetry. It’s beautiful to not be exact.

    Jack Victor
  28. The play had to be done exact to the real movie or they wouldn’t be in the newspaper

    i am crazy
  29. I don not know the exact meaning of exact. But I use it many times.

    k sandeep
  30. What is exact? Precise? Clear? Accurate? I don’t know exactly. An exacting day. An exact phrase. Exactly what I need. Pinpoint perfect. Is that even a thing?

  31. Why did I get this one word again? What is going on? How does this relate to me? I don’t understand. This is a reflection of my mindset, having an analytical viewpoint, perhaps overthinking and stalling with analysis, trying to avoid regret.

  32. 2 definitions
    exact as specific
    one meaning
    no difference

  33. what something or someone is precisely or matching another object

  34. I had to exact the love from him. He wasnt going to tell me himself so I have to pull it out of him so that he would tell me his true feelings. He would never just give it up. It had to be dragged outta him. Kinda sad but I knew it was there. I knew he loved me. He showed me every day.

  35. The numbers lined up. The math was working. It was all perfect. She sighed silently outward and continued typing.
    She didn’t get to do these kind of calculations often. There was something comforting about the blackness and sureness of addition that her other work rarely had. It felt good to know something was right.

  36. She farted, rather loudly, and then laughed about it. David’s eyes widened and suddenly all that crap about stars aligning, fireworks exploding, and angels singing didn’t so untrue.

  37. “That’s exactly what I meant.” The man said as he turned away from the window to face the little girl. Her eyes were so big and brown, pleading puppy dog eyes. He looked back out the window. “And that’s final!” He wouldn’t say anymore, not to her. Thing’s couldn’t be any different.

    Cate Write
  38. a point i never achieve unless i am traveling somewhere and i stop. then i have reached the exact space. but i never reach the exact goal, the exact weight loss, the exact kindness, the exactness of life escapes me unless i am viewing it in someone else’s life

  39. In maths, it is very important to figure out the exact results.
