
May 13th, 2015

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45 Responses to “scared”

  1. i never fear being scared, for that im well prepared, so sit back and stare deep inside my glare, understand my dreams, my hopes and also all my despairs. climb down the stairs, elevate your mind-wear, hardware seems pretty fine, but the soft does too prevail.

  2. Julie had been scarred before; abusive parents, abusive teachers, bullying schoolmates. They had given her all they had to give, and she had survived; no, grown stronger because of it. She didn’t care what anyone else said. She didn’t care what anyone else did. She didn’t care what anyone else thought. She was determined to live her life as she thought she should. The punishment she would give herself if she didn’t was much more frightening to her than anything anyone else could do. That was why she was scared of nothing.

  3. scared of a cockroach, afraid of a shadow, cry at the thought of something bad happening to me, i really am a wuss, man the fuck up

  4. well im scared of monsters sometimes and i know that all kids are scared of those but im 15 and im a BIG boy know and im kind scared of some different types of animals like i guess loins and maybe bears too okay that all i have to say love you and thanks for being a……..

  5. Not where you want to be. A feeling of dread when you try to do something that you have never done before. Exhileration. The excited tingling feeling of starting anew, beginning an adventure

    Elizabeth A Huffman
  6. i was petrified
    the forest grew darker as i delved further into it
    He wasnt going to treat me happily, not after what Ive done.

    I deserve it. All of it.
    Why did i agree? why?
    I halted. and gazed into the branches above me.
    I turned my head to the sound of a sudden twig snap.
    A whimper escaped from my mouth and i heard laughter in response

    Nommy Richards
  7. “Stop looking for a reason to be scared.” Her eyes were reassuring, warm yet piercing in the way that their softness challenged me to see this moment as something to be cherished, not scrutinized.

  8. im scared of those things that i think i know but may be totally wrong about. i’ve been there before–wrong—but as i age my fear of consequences has begun to trump my desire to try—to be wrong. im scared of what might happen.

  9. A somber quiet settled in the bunker as they listened to sound of M-16s and tanks rolling just yards away. Some of them were looking down, others were staring right at him. Waiting for a word of encouragement or inspiring battlefield speech. He gripped his gun tighter, ignoring the sinking feeling in his chest and his troubled stomach, and began to sing his favorite song.

  10. She was scared of being hurt again, but her heart was telling her to go, go with this man who had her heart and see where he would take her. Her life had been hard, and her heart was telling her he was the one.

  11. Anything can be scary and when people are scared, you cannot reach them. I guess you could call people who are scared lost, but they’re lost to logic. I think most people are lost to logic everyday; they just don’t know it. We should be scared of those people. Maybe we’re in the matrix. Would we know? Does that scare you? It should.

  12. “Don’t worry. It will all be over soon.” He whispered calmly.
    “Wait! You don’t have to do this!” The boy cried, his arms waving in one last protest.
    “It’s for your own good, son” He confirmed, offering a final, comfortless pat on the forehead before setting about his terrible work.
    “NOOOO!!!!!” the boy screamed.
    “Aaand we’re done. See? Shots are no big deal.” The doctor smiled, “Ready for your candy?”
    The boy blinked once. Then twice. Huh. He hadn’t felt a thing. Wait–candy?! “Yes sir!” He nodded exuberantly.

  13. Shelis shivered, damp in the dark. Two more hours and it’d be over. Two hours seemed longer than a decade in the little space, goosebumps burning on her icy skin, water dripping on her head, down her face, into her soaked clothing. But scared as she was, cold as she was, none of it was worse than going out there before dawn.

  14. The girl looked up from the road and into the heaven. Scared, that’s what she was. She didn’t know anything about this place, or this world. She was left alone. Alone and scared.
    The crackling of the wind through the trees made her jump.

  15. There was nothing she could do.
    Rain poured on her skin as she ran through the forest. She had to keep note of her feet, otherwise she was sure to trip over random branches and roots in her path.
    She couldn’t stop her hands from trembling. There must be something she could do. She had to get him out of that house before he didn’t remember who she was any more.
    But she was running out of time.

  16. just like Archanza, i don’t feel like writing about scared. it isn’t the best thing to write about. writing is my hobby.

  17. There’s a little something I’m scared about… You know what it is?
    J leaving.
    He tried leaving NF once, and was willing to leave without saying anything… Without telling me… He just couldn’t do it because of his addiction to CCC.
    So… Yeah… I’m scared. I’m also scared of him… And others… Going.

  18. Being scared is to be uncomfortable with the situation you are currently in, have been in or will be in the near future. It’s a feeling nobody likes but some enjoy the rush that you get when you’re scared. Being scared is a choice, its a mindset that for a second can change the outcome of any situation are in.

  19. I was scared, alright? I was scared of you, scared of your friends, you’re what do you call them, your wolf pack. I was scared of what you might do to me. Yeah, I know. But I didn’t know, I wasn’t sure. How could I know you wouldn’t just fucking kill me? You always had those knives on you. I didn’t know you wouldn’t just cut my guts out.

  20. I am scared if the feelings you give me. Of the buzz I feel under my skin when I think of you. You make me feel wreck less and like I am dying, drowning in an abyss while you only sit and stare and I am so scared.

  21. I’m scared I’ll die and leave my daughter to live with people who have beliefs with which I disagree. I hope to teach her to be kind and compassionate with out judging others for their differences. I feel the people in my family will lack this ability.
    I also fear they will scar her by teaching her that her passerby with spend an eternity in hell for their (lack of) beliefs.

    Brandy McIntosh
  22. Are you scared I whispered?

    Down the alley I could see the shape growing bigger, moving closer, and getting darker.

    No she said

    I looked at her reflection in the shallow puddle. Stern. Determined. Noting feared Bobby ever. I looked at my own trembling hands in comparison.

  23. Why am I so scared all the time? I just always feel anxious and that I’m doing something wrong. I never feel right. I always feel like someone is just going to reveal me as the fraud I am not. I’m just in so much mental pain all the time from it. I don’t know if I can take it.

  24. afraid

  25. His fear was palpable, although it felt scattered in more ways than one.
    The metallic claws underneath his chin, the cold look in the Shredder’s eyes–he knew that he’d seen this very scene ten times before. Twenty, even, maybe thirty. Even so, those gold orbs belonged to none other than himself, and god–it scared him.

  26. She was, simply, scared. She didn’t want to loose her best friend, her brother. No, not her brother. But simply the person that was her other half, that was the kindness that balanced out all her sass and snark, and the person who kept her in check when she got too rude and snarky- the person who had believed in her. She didn’t want to loose him- he was everything to her. She was terrified. The mere thought of loosing him made her want to fall to the floor and sob uncontrollably- so she didn’t think about it. She simply didn’t.

  27. He doesn’t want this. He doesn’t want to feel this way. He knows it will ruin everything. He’s scared of losing everything but also scared of what he could gain. Because the only thing worse than not having his dream come true. Would be to get it and then lose it all over again.

  28. I am scared for my future. More like.. I am scared of the unknown. I like knowing what happens next and where I will be in a year. I don’t know how to overcome this fear.

  29. When i’m scared, i get really scared… im scared of a lot of things: spiders, bugs, etc. the worst part is that I’m a man. I’m supposed to not be afraid of this things. i also want to fit in. i want people to like me, that why I’m scared.

  30. I couldn’t believe it. They had finally come for me. My time was over… everything I ever loved: gone. And now all I was left with was fear. Fear of everything. Including myself.

  31. Squirells ran scared by the sound of the howling wind. A storm was approaching and Tom and Jim had to leave the forest before dawn.

  32. Exactly what I feel right now. I have no idea what this next chapter of life will bring me. Everyone’s growing, busy, successful. Where am I , though? The place I was in 2014. Allah has tested me so much in 19 years (tomorrow) that I don’t know what’s going to happen next! However I refuse to be frozen in fear. No! I will move with confidence!!

  33. You told me that you were scared, and that’s why you didn’t show up to the restaurant tonight. The same reason you used for why you didn’t turn up at my birthday party, or my art show, or my piano recital. The same reason I heard from you year after year when you called me on the phone, or left me a paltry monthly check-in through e-mail.

    You told me you were scared about trying to be my father again. I told you that if you were scared, then that meant you weren’t trying hard enough.

    Belinda Roddie
  34. Scared he wouldn’t love me
    when he grew up
    and out.

    I pushed and nagged
    and compensated
    with an over-

    of too tight hugs.

  35. I came here this morning to write because writing makes me feel better. I want to write about something optimistic. Not scared. I don’t want to write about being scared. Because that’s what I am right now, and I don’t want to be. I want to sleep long, wake happy and have a day without anxiety.

  36. I am scared that I will never be able to completely forgive, what it it haunts me forever. I pray every day to help me not be scared.

  37. The mother was scared. Stiff. The child motionless in the crib neither stirred nor breathed. The terrible nightmare of lost motherhood, tragedy, and the return to singleness hung eerily over the crib like a haunted mobile. There just ever so briefly the lips parted and a sigh of contentment resounded as loudly as though the thunder clapped and the heavens spoke, “She lives!” The mother, wickedly tired, padded back to the rocker, relieved that her nightmares at least for the present were to be tucked back into the shadows of the cheery nursery curtains.

  38. James was terrified of losing her. She was everything, the only thing he had left to hold on to. But she was gone. Forever. He walked absentmindedly around the block, barely seeing. Tears overcame him, and soon he was sobbing, running through the streets. There was nowhere to go, nowhere to turn. All of a sudden, he crashed into a dark looming figure. James looked up in surprise and looked straight into a faceless man. The Spider was here. He had come.

    Ashini Shah
  39. Scared, like all the rest of the world. it’s no big deal, everybody feels it at one point or another. Just depends on how you deal with it. Some mess up and dig a hole too deep to get out of, others never go farther than their neck. it’s never too impossible to get out, just really hard the deeper you go.

  40. James was terrified of losing her. She was everything, the only thing he had left to hold on to. But she was gone. Forever.

    Ashini Shah