
She felt like a stencil against the wall
Used to produce nothing visibily unique
Hoping the search was over, that it was it, he was "the one". Yearning constantly, ignoring that it was a fight to keep it going. Hoping only made the hurt of realizing it wasn't there that much more painful.
is it taboo to want real, all encompassing passionate love with just one other person?
I have this feeling that all i want is you, but when I'm with you I feel like you're suffocating me. This can't be right, to have this overwhelming urgency to need something that only hurts you and makes you feel so little.
they carried him out of the door
and as she watched him go her heart sank...
she always knew it would end
but she never imagined it like this.
I've had this word before.
I've had a crew before too.. but it seems that they never last for one reason or another.
Maybe I'm to blame, but often times it's the dynamics of the others that ends the crew.
Honestly, I feel a lot better not being tied to some sort of crew...
Relationships with a select few are more meaningful
And being alone can be much more comfortable.
Stop giving me words that spark no emotion in me
and stop giving me men that do the same.
I'm tired of searching and I'm tired of being alone.
Like a turbine, there was reaction that was set of when subjected to pressure...
i always tell him, don't ask for "what I was thinking" if you can't endure hearing it - - -
yet I naively tell him, thinking his reaction will bring me comfort & understanding
instead, under pressure, he steams -
in his anger - stems my distrust
and i grow cold.
Saturday morning hangover. Friday I spend the night trying to drink away all that built up angst and emotions I hid away during the week. Trying to cleanse myself by poisoning my body with alcohol and drugs. Come Saturday, it all hits me like an 18 wheeler truck and lingers until it's time for round two.
She was never too keen on the situation. It always seemed like such a bad idea, even though it felt so right... yet everything got so messy when all of the lies and secrets came out. Why couldn't things be as simple as they seemed when they were together? it was so fucked up but so right.
With a key to a house that she doesn't own, she let's herself in to somewhere she isn't welcomed. Listen to her trampling around upstairs. Big and stupid as a horse. What man could love that? Why would he let her in his bed?.. Why is she here in my house? Why the fuck doesn't she leave me alone.
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