
They scramble out of the water, but just as Luca thinks he's free, long fingers wrap themselves around his ankle. He yelps as he's dragged back, thinking shitshitshithe'sdead, when-
Edlen falls back into the river with a snarl, a stream of red following her. Luca gapes up as Doll drags him the rest of the way out, her knuckles stained with blood.
"Didn't I mention I used to box?" she asks.
Ashley's face is a mask of anger when she moves to punch Takumi, but he doesn't flinch. Doesn't try to move away or block it, just braces himself for the blow.
It doesn't come either way- Christian catches Ashley's hand in his own and forces it to her side. He says her name, quietly, and she grits her teeth for a long moment before turning to stride down the hall.
"Why'd you stop her?" he asks, and even to himself his voice sounds flat. Christian's gaze is unreadable.
"An unchecked blow like that would've broken your cheekbone at least. She would've regretted it."
Takumi laughs.
"Probably not a good sign, when you've got a Nephilim and a human both using a demon as their moral compass."
Luca has to wonder why Horne seems to make him so clumsy. Tripping was one thing, but when he knocks over an entire bottle of olive oil onto the other man he feels it must be something more than just coincidence.
Luca is young, so young, when he watches Vera chain Herne in a thrashing river, and there are tears in his eyes and he doesn't understand-
"Shh," Vera croons, carding a hand slick with river water and magic through his hair. "There's no need for this."
She pulls-
(the city feels like glass under his feet he longs for something he doesn't remember)
He's edging on seventeen when he returns, and the forest opens for him like an old friend. He dreams of summer storms instead of wildfires, and when he finds the garden-
(do you remember now?)
They'll finish this together.
When Damien comes to the London Stronghold he's nervous, yes. Terrified, definitely.
But with Eli at his side he knows he can conquer the world.
Change is inevitable. Ashley had known that, staring out the window of a plane and watching her world fall away.
But somewhere along the line, she'd started hoping, far too fervently, that maybe this was it. She'd had her earthshattering change. Maybe this- Tabatha's smile and the constant journey- maybe this the end for her.
She should've known. Change is inevitable.
Ashley drew her blades and remembered the plane as she watched her world fall away once again.
"Ready to watch the best show ever made?" Takumi grinned as he flopped onto the couch.
"Yeah!" Ashley was practically buzzing with excitement.
"I still can't believe you've never seen Star Trek," Tabatha snorted.
"Annie," Bec began, "I hate you."
"Oh my god," Annie said, "This isn't my fault."
"Oh, don't worry guys," Bec said, voice pitched high and mocking. "It's just a party, not like we'll get arrested or anything."
"He has a point," Megan chimed in.
"Fuck off."
It was just like they used to talk about, when they were young. Run away, where the Organization could never find them, where they wouldn't have to be puppets or soldiers or anything they didn't want to be.
But it was all wrong.
"So this is it, then?" Lydia asked.
Luisa smiled. "I'll come back for you," she said. "For all of you."
And Lydia believed her- she really did. After all, how was she to know this was the one promise Luisa wouldn't keep?
"I...don't have a passport."
It seemed like such a mundane problem, after everything that had happened. Demons, and angels, and witches were traipsing around the globe, but he still needed something as silly a passport to leave the country?
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