answers without questions
yes, no, maybe so
this, that, there, or then
(not sure when)
here, there, anywhere
yesterday, tomorrow, today
i'm (not) okay
lingering always [deep in my chest]
for all my days [there is no best]
through the haze [an anxious guest]
time delays [feeling possessed]
persistent strays [healing, depressed]
a moonlit misfit sitting underneath the stars
dont know where you are
bugs buzz blindly bumbling by
you think you can fly
the night sky calls
your body falls
in the dull light of the moon
on a warm night in june
maid of the sea
away with me
strong current carrying
lives need burying
luck, good or bad
the only kiss ever had
air currents gone
the sky at dawn
last sight
no light
deeper and deeper below
here we go
a glitch
made us switch
not sure how to ditch
eyes twitch
all thoughts a black pitch
there is no easy way to snitch
blame it on the witch
if only fates could unhitch
that'd be real rich
each time i try to write i end up erasing anything and everything i type
it's not good enough anymore (when was it ever though?)
there's no point in it really
it used to be fun but now i always end up doubtful
i wish i could erase these thoughts as easily
i wish i could erase myself as easily
it is not the flick of the wrist or boasting a loud cackle, it is a belief, a lifestyle. a belief that the impossible is still impossible no matter the mixtures concocted. however, it all depends on what one's interpretation of the word "impossible" is exactly. a lifestyle still in practice today. don't listen to stories or legends, just blink your eyes and keep an open mind. watch carefully with wide eyes.
in a world of our own we dance until the sun sets, cheering slightly, smiling playfully. bleeding red all over the sky, the sun sinks into the horizon. the moon shines a dull pale, casting shadows sweetly. the mask of day falls, charade ending swiftly.
there are no more smiles here, not until the sun reaches up slowly, crawling up, up, and away.
the truth revealed.
freeze the frame, pause it
keep it dead inside
trapped gazes, mannequins
an eternal stand-still
for us to gaze upon in wonderment
they no longer breathe
no longer have a reason to
they are frozen
entertain the masses
watch the bar spin around and around
your eyes trapped, bound
not sure how you got here
don't know how to disappear
wasting life away
just for one more day
keep on suffering
the end is buffering
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