Brunch is such a festive word. It brings to mind leisure and sunny days and good food. Of course, I never have brunch. I always eat and early morning breakfast and then lunch. I never have fancy breakfasts and I don't really like really sweet things in the morning. They always have desserts at brunch.
demonstration - it is a party? it is a movement? it says pay attention to me? it is interesting? It is noisy? it is a protest? it is interesting? It is political? it is a marketing technique?
I used to love to swing. I would go to the park with my brother and we would swing so high - we knew how to pump and we would see who get the highest the fastest. I felt as if I were flying. At some point after my baby was born, I discovered that I couldn't swing like that anymore. I would get nauseous from the swinging motion. How disappointed I was to discover that!
I am a professional and I pride myself on that. That means that I know my field, I can be pleasant and knowledgable. I behave respectfully to all I encounter at work. I am a team player who looks out for other employees as well as those members of the public that I serve. I do my best work.
I love my little town. It's really not that little - maybe about 8,000 residents. But I work in town and I play in town. I know lots of people and i never know to whom I might run into when i go to the grocery or the post post office or take the dog for a walk. It is a
blood sweat and tears
sweating a river
I am surprised at how little I do sweat when I take long bike rides. Perhaps it just evaporates but mostly my sin stays dry.
POPCORN! Love that stuff. I is best just plain - no butter, please. Just some salt - perfect! I like the kind that is cooked in a pot on the stove, not the mircrowaved version or the kind that they sell at the movies. As kids we got to have popcorn every Friday night while watching Gilligan's Island and it is still an event that means it is time to relax.
I need a lift. I need to figurer out the next step. It should be so simpe. Keep on working until you no longer HAVE to - maybe another five years. Keep on existing in your home. Keep on reading, seeing family, supporting your children in their goals. and then retire and live. Really live. Lift yourself up.
Have a blast.
Life is a blast.
Life is so not a blast.
I had a blast at work today.
I would like to have a blast.
What is a blast?
fun fun fun
Doesn't happen very often.
blast blast blast
have a blast
have a blast
Give me a clue
Give me a clue about how to live this life. I have tried and now I am aware that the years have spun by. I wonder if I have done it right or enough and how to change that. Give me a clue about the purpose. Give me a clue about what is the best path to take. Give me a clue about what it means to be the best, to do the best.
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