My shoes are ruined by now, and I am walking the last twenty feet up the driveway to my shitty little house that I can't afford. The snow sticks to my hair and my jeans and my eye lashes and it almost hurts, you know, it almost hurts to go back to my dark house alone and wait until morning, where I can suffer through work again.
And I close my hand on the door knob, and read the final notice letter taped to my door.
And I sit in the snow and cry.
There was a dull gleam in her eyes, like she wasn't seeing, she wasn't thinking. Her mind was a small box, unintelligible and unworking. The drugs had taken effect, that much was obvious. And I couldn't help but wonder, how much else now was broken, how much else would never come back.
Undying affection scares me.
Like zombies rising,
just to bring flowers
on the days when hallmark calls for it
or when there are tears on my face.
Just die,
it's okay, I won't forget
I promise.
It had been a while since I'd left the house. The light burned as it lit my eyes and I felt like an insect emerging from a tunnel beneath the ground. It had been weeks and only now could I stomach the outside world. And I walked over the hills I knew as a child and crossed beneath the trees where I held my first kiss, and I entered the clearing I'd known all my life. The junkyard we hid in when my father drank too much, the old cars we played on when we wanted to be older. This place was full of dust covered memories and burnt edged photographs.
We could feel the blast, even from behind the walls they built over the weeks. The sky turned from gray to green to brown, a brown I'd never seen, unnatural in the most natural way. This is the end of the world, she said as the sun left her eyes, this is the end of what we know.
Unleash the fires, the winds, the powers of the earth that cripple and fry. We are death tonight, we ride the air like hawks and control every breath. We are the controllers, for once, we hold the leash.