
December 7th, 2012 | 240 Entries

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240 Entries for “July”

  1. june 30
    we had our first date
    and you kissed me sweetly
    as i felt something
    not quite like love
    we ended in august
    but july?
    the sweetest times
    without care

  2. It was a typical Florida July afternoon. The sidewalk was hot enough to cook on and all but the hardiest residents hid in cool, air-conditioned houses and stores.

  3. The hot month, I shudder at the thought of sweat creeping down along my back and my hands clammy from the humidity. Tears from the fireworks dripped down the sky, I had accomplished with making man into machine but his existence was short, a fact he mortally lamented.

  4. My mother’s birthday is in July. That’s the month in the summer where you’re most aware of how brutal DC heat is. The warmth lets me know its time to enjoy these few months ebecause i know the 8 months of cold are coming. I love July

    Sheika Amandla
  5. The month I was born. The month my birth mother pushed her hardest. The month my parents now decided to hide thier heartbreak & adopt another baby. Thier strenth amazes me. They lost a son just a few months before, but they moved on. And I love them for that.

    Jordyn Siegmund
  6. This girl named July is in my Math class in school..

  7. July is hot. It is a pretty name for a month. It sounds like Julie, which is my sister’s name. I like the ‘Jul’ sound. It’s pretty, kind of like a fruit roll up.

  8. July’s memories seem toasty and warm
    compared to the weather of today’s memories

    as the year chases its tail to the beginning
    I count the days until
    July’s memories can be made

  9. His birthday was in July. The sixteenth. And we’d always have a picnic to celebrate. He’d squeal with delight when we laid the rug down on the grass. Every time. That little face of his is what I’ll always remember. Those glowing, blue eyes and his smiling innocence framed by that fine, blonde hair in the sunshine. That vision of him in my mind never fails to make me smile, and for a second I dare to forget. In that half moment, I time travel, and he’s back, and we’re together. But my stomach buckles and it all screams back to me, like a home movie at a million miles a minute being sucked in through my eyes. A stretched blur, swallowing whole every last bead of bliss it contained, spitting out a void where I was once happy. The wave of shock rockets through me like an unexpected fall from a height, spiraling. And I have to scrunch my toes to grip the floor and stiffen my legs to stop me falling forward. Every time.

  10. sparkling flat and clear lake, oooo haw i lie in wait my eyes following the wake, sun crashing in my eyes oooo summer surprise..clouds glorious cries.

  11. July is the month of my birthday. It is a very special month for me because it marks the beginning of my existence. It holds the very essence of why I’m here.

    Practically, July is also a VERY hot month so it actually irritates me more now. haha. if july was winter, it would’ve been so much better. i love winters. winters are better than summers.

  12. It was a hot July morning. The sun had raised above the mountains as if the sky was on fire

  13. July? What is July? Some may say it is a month that follows after June. Or it is the month of the birthdays of the others. Or the months of cancer. But I say July is part of the amazing months that have filled the year with surprises and fun things.

  14. We live in a small town which doesn’t have many illegal fireworks. But every now and then some friends drive to a bigger city and bring a few down. We then sit and enjoy the colorful show of it all on the celebration of our country’s independence. :)

  15. Coldest July ever recorded. At least in my house. Our relationship was ice cold. It almost makes me shiver looking back on it…The lack of warmth and love in that house was claustrophobic.

  16. June, forth of July . The party at the house I grew up around, with all the stoners and drunks and rockers . I miss that . I miss all of them and I miss feeling like part of that huge family . I wish when my parents split they didn’t make things so different . I miss having those people to give flowers to, or just to sit by a campfire with . Or go swimming in the pond connecting all their houses . And my friends . Gloria, and Bobby, and that other red headed freckled kid Andy who hasn’t been seen since we were all 7 . Bobby’s still such a great friend and it just reminds me how much I miss living there, being there, belonging somewhere . That somewhere being in the chain of houses those amazing people own together who made me feel real, like I mattered .

    Carlie Erin
  17. July is one of my favorite months. My daughter was born in July and she is the joy of my life. I also don’t have to work in July and I can enjoy my summer vacation.


    Miko Verzon
  19. Juli bedeutet Sommer. Am Strand liegen und statt drinnen
    und draußen zu frieren, barfuß die Nacht im Freien durchtanzen. Das
    Lebensgefühl ist ein ganz anderes als im Winter, die Gute Laune
    beginnt sofort mit dem ersten Sonnenstrahl des Tages.

  20. your body is like a hot July evening
    young and careless and running around barefoot
    you are sweet like ice tea
    I dive into your body like the ocean on a hot summer day
    slowly,than all at once

  21. july is the 7th month of year.its actually raining sason in india.many school opens in this month.

  22. a warm season. My friend was born this month, so was my cousin Ben. I especially love the forth of july. My family always sets off fireworks for fun.

  23. July was so long ago. In july i just had mere illusions of what this place would be like. I couldn’t have known, that it wouldn’t just change something, it would change everything. I was still in a summer haze, spending lazy days doing nothing and knowing nothing about my bright future.

  24. Brightness, but no brilliance
    Splendid, joyful
    I’d take calm happiness
    before I’d run away with joy

    like a lover-
    Would you want the beauty
    who feeds you smiles for a day
    or the bright-eyed shy boy
    Who feeds your soul?

  25. In July, especially in the evenings, it’s very easy to lose your sense of self and have your soul drift off into the fog, never to be seen again.
    Some suspect that these souls are what eventually turn into fireworks.

  26. July is my birthday month is really hot and sometimes rainy
    and sort of depressing when you are at work. I dont know why they
    let kids have summer vacation only to take it away when they need
    it most. The time when they are depressed and realize shit costs

  27. It was hot as shit outside as the fireworks exploded from
    my hard cock in the vast ocean. I don’t know why I jerked off into
    the sea, it just seemed like the right thing to do at the

    Carla Marx
  28. It’s hot and dry. I go to Croatia around that time. I swim at the beach. I go and eat at a nearby restaurant called Konoba. I usually get an omelette or soup or meat on a stick.

  29. the month i fell for a girl that was unbelievably amazing. she made my heart beat more than any girl i have ever met. summer of 2009 was the best summer in my life.

  30. Oh no not again! July is painful. July is sorrowful. July 1st was the day of my death, and shall always be. I cry as I see people die on the very same day.

  31. It was the 1st of July early in the morning when a strike of lightening hit me directly and killed me on the spot.

  32. July was a time that I loved you most. You let me put my arm through yours even though it was much too sticky for that, and we would sit for hours talking. The fireworks never had brought us closer than on the forth when we laid cuddled up and happy, like the world was ours to conquer at last.

  33. My dad was bor in July. 62 years ago, in a small southern village in Lebanon, wonder what life was like. There are no pictures, no documents, no memories apart from those in his head that exist as proof of existence there.

  34. the days haze into each other i lean to my brother and discover

  35. I just read an e-mail that reference July and I cannot even imagine why. It’s December and I am totally doused in Christmas-icity. July isn’t even imagineable or for that matter interesting.

  36. july: a summer month or a woman’s name? perception gleamed from past experiences colours our world daily. one word will never hold the same meaning for any two audiences

  37. whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy! Must it be July? Why can’t it be some other month. although July gives me time to relax. Or not! Camp Fitch all the way!

    Zippy Agee
  38. is hot. i kind of love July because its in the summer and i get to have all these great adventures with my friends. We always have the bestest of times. and yes bestest is not a word but it really expresses the silliness of us all. I mean we fight over who’s the grand master dance champ of the camp! by the way its just the one who gets the highest scores the Wii dance party:) so fun! I love it! We have quite the rivalries.

    Zippy Agee
  39. When I can go jogging after 8 p.m.

  40. It’s warm. I swim with my son. I love the blue color of the sky. The dog gets to run through the woods all day. We go on vacation. There is no school or work! One of my favorite times of the year.
