
July 30th, 2012 | 347 Entries

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347 Entries for “losses”

  1. You lose so much in life. Even the people who deserve it the least. Like my Grandma. She was the sweetest lady you ever could meet yet she’s lost 3 of her 6 children. She’s lived through so much and she always hoped her children would out live her.

  2. we all suffer losses great ones. Ones that shake us make us break us set us off our path and suddenly our world is shaken and we realize we will never be the same.

    Crystal Smith
  3. I used to lose sports games. Now I lose my cell phone, money, my favorite t-shirt. As long as I don’t lose my mind, everything’s ok.

  4. i lost my grandpa three years ago. It was old age of 96 that brought him to his grave. He was one of my biggest role models, he was a farmer in the middle of nowhere in Minnesota. He worked hard to make his living and raised four kids all at the same time. That took dedication and persistance. I love you gramps and I miss you. :)

  5. i had a chance to go to a better place. better than where i’m going right now. it’s better because she’s over there. and right now thinking about a year without her, i could feel the withdrawal symptoms happening already to my body. it’s hard for me to sleep. and when i wake up, i realize that nothing has changed, i’m still going to the same place. i feel like stone, stuck in place, nowhere to go. but if i try i could just roll away from here within a year.

  6. All the losses didn’t mean anything. They didn’t care. As long as they got to trudge home together and have some of Eric’s moms famous spaghetti. As long as they had that and their dirty hats that made them feel older and cool, none of it mattered.

  7. friends, family, games, activities, your love/crush, loss at sports, directionally challenged,

  8. Many people loose things, it seems like I always am. People can be very forgetful but the bright side to loosing something is the joy of finding it. In business it is very bad to loose money. I don’t know that it is ever good to loose something.

  9. Everyone has losses. Everyone should just get over it. Losses are necessary. Losses are life. Without losses we have nothing of value. Without losses we are all a bunch of insolent

  10. Loss is inevitable, for as there is gain, there are losses. Small, large, none to be disregarded.

  11. The feeling of lost, is too overwhelming. Something that was once so important to you, suddenly vanished, and you question yourself, what are you going to do, what should you do, what can you do. But, after all the thoughts and emotions, building up, I refuse to question myself, but accept the fact, that, loosing something valuable, is something I can never have back. it ranges from small to large, but it all means the same thing.

  12. Everyone loses something once in a while. Sometimes it’s a friend, or a boyfriend, or sometimes it’s a physical object. But in the scheme of things, physical objects really don’t matter as much when it comes to losing people. This is because the ones we care about the most really mean the most to us.

  13. Losses are equivalent to failures. However, although both have negative connotations, they can also be used to strengthen a person up. A loss, a failure, motivates the person to try harder, to practise, and to persevere. It does not mean to only lose; it means to win and to gain, as well.

  14. what happens when you make the wrong choices. natural disaster. When you lose a family member. the events in life that we remember the most . things that hurt us.

    Charles Haselden
  15. Life is green, life is magic
    just me, and you, and the others.

    Stay focus on what you desserve, stay focus on you
    Stay Focus on Earth.

  16. Losses remind you of what you have and had. When you lose something or some one you think of all the times you had and all the times you will miss. You seem to never remember what was wrong but focus more on what was right. Loss is the opposite of have and when we have we at times don’t cherish like what we have lost.

  17. Losses remind you of what you have and had. When you lose something or some one you think of all the times you had and all the times you will miss. You seem to never remember what was wrong but focus more on what was right. It is the opposite of what you have and you almost treat it like the opposite.

    Jeremy Henderson
  18. everyone loses things. it can be big or it can be small. once I lost something, and it changed how i view religion.

  19. My whole life has been a loss. Lost opportunities, loves, experiences. Ten years down the drain and nothing to show for it. Everyone else has gotten so far ahead.

    LS Drax
  20. How to deal with a huge loss? Sit around with ice cream and watch movies that make you weep until you can’t cry any more tears? Or do you go out and attempt to move on from the best thing you’ve ever experienced? Losses, they come and go, but the wins feel so much better when you’ve been through those losses.

    Lindsay Fletcher
  21. Some loose and never look back.
    Some loose and never look forward.
    Some loose and never look again.
    I want to look forward.

  22. Losses are pieces missing from someone’s heart.
    Some are tiny crystal slivers that are hardly missed, that you can easily mend and forget about.
    But some are huge chunks that fall to the floor with a thundering crash that echoes in your ears for a lifetime. The sound haunts you in your dreams and puts weight on your shoulders. They pull tears from your eyes like greedy hands desperate to feed on your sorrows.

  23. The losses had been significant. The toll on her family had been been nothing less than tragic. It was a grave injustice and Helen Luscombe was to blame. She stood still and hoped to God that woman would get her comeuppance.

    sharon london
  24. She counted them back in here mind from the very beginning. It had been a marvelous campaign. The battles, the skirmishes, the victories against odds that were in the favor of her competitors. She paid heed to the number dead or the towns and villages destroyed and brutalized by her conquest. She was going to marry the Emperor’s son, and nothing would stop her.

  25. Earl cinched his tightly against his throat, his face sallow and drawn as he contemplated what he was going to tell Ellie. He had worked at Dunford Inc. for nineteen years only to get a pink slip in his box today. With a sigh he ran his fingers through his thinning hair and turned towards the door. Guess they’d just have to count their losses.

  26. Losses, thousands of losses. Some huge – the loss of her mother as a toddler. Smaller losses, as when the dog stole her cookie off the coffee table shortly afterwards – keenly felt and keen she did. The pain of the loss just overwhelming.

  27. its beyond words when you lose something close to you, doing things you know your not supposed to, i dont cope like most, sometimes thats just the life we go through, but its about life and thats bigger than me, thoughts of the days when we thought it would always be we, now its all alone, a sloitude tree, drifting in the wind, waiting on time to begin or maybe come to an end either way no one is going to win thats what they say about this life of mine and they labeled me a fucking madman for this mind of mine but its all through time thats why im constantly on the verge of stepping over this line

  28. I lost you and I still miss you even though I cant change that you don’t love me, and you are unattainable, I am fine but you are not mine and that haunts me still.

  29. the losses had closed in upon the little boy. the constant suffocation of grief swallowing him in his every breath; he was slowly choking.

  30. I have had many losses in my fifteen years of living. I lost my dad, contact with my brother, tae kwon do competitions, bets, fights, arguments, friends, pens, homework…

  31. no idea what it means. sounds like balloons. dunno why but it’s a cute word, like bubbly kinda. i like it.

  32. I have had a lot of losses in my life I guess. Its been hard I think to move past them even though I have. I have a lot of regrets and I don’t want to live my life by them anymore. That is my wish… don’t know how to achieve it.

  33. Pinched myself and thought of the losses we had experienced together and reminded you that it was us both that were affected and as long as we shared those losses we also shared the pain and helped lessen it for each other.

  34. Losses and gains
    Pleasure and pains
    You win some,
    You love some.
    Up, then a down
    Smile, then a frown.

  35. These are… what we come from, what we create, what we can only ever aspire to. Dying stars can have legacies, it’s true, but there’s no equity, no justice. Dead gods don’t have the capacity to forgive their children.

    Watching the sunset, uncertain burning — not forever… there are so many things I need. And almighty Time is standing there with every chain of Hope in his wrinkled old fist. What do you do when you forget the origin of your scars?

  36. I’ve lost many people from my family the last couple years. From my parents, grandparents, and uncle, I’ve learned so much about life, love, and now, loss. I miss them so much and I wish I could see them again, though every fiber of my being now says that that won’t be possible because an afterlife is just something to make people sleep better at night.

    Robert Roy
  37. it hit the rim of the hole
    burned deep into the ground
    ricocheted round the edges
    the chime of bronze on brick
    picking the specific place in the pool
    to impact, break, sink through
    and land on the bed
    long before the wish will come true

  38. Cutting my losses today.
    Cutting my losses everyfuccingday.
    I wasn’t given the world on a silver or stainless steel spoon — it was wooden — not because my immigrant mother from Liberia was a known environmentalist.
    But because we were and are always cutting our losses.

    Someone Else
  39. Jeder verliert mal. Manchmal verliert man eine Socke – zum Beispiel in der Waschmaschiene – das ist nicht so schlimm. Manchmal aber, da verliert man einen Freund – oder schlimmer: Eine Liebe. Das ist sehr schlimm, das tut richtig weh. Und dann zieht einem das das Herz zusammen und es implodiert und geht in Flammen auf und du willst einfach nur sterben und weinen und dann hast du verloren. So einfach ist das.

  40. losses are inevitable. we face them every day. the hardest thing about a loss, is learning to live without it. whether it’s loss of love, loss of ability, or even loss of a limb, we lose part of ourselves, feeling alone and somewhat broken.