
July 31st, 2012 | 266 Entries

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266 Entries for “methods”

  1. Methods.


    My nostrils are filled with the scent of the cologne that I rubbed on this morning. Can’t quite think right.

    Oh my God. the second word in this entry is just.

    Anyways, I don’t have anything for methods cause I’m really distracted so yeah.

  2. Well, there was this one time that i was drinking pepto Bismol and i though it tasted like chalk, even though it was pink like bubble gum…. Yeah and my tummy ache never went away. it did…but not immediatley

  3. The methods to madness are many and all lead to the same place: oblivion. We all appear to end up there anyway so one may tread in the direction they please. There is no rewind button. One must walk, run, crawl, swim, roll or fly. There are an infinite amount of methods. choose the ones

    Mike Didj
  4. His methods for coping were scattered concepts that only fell into place during their execution and frequently involved panic attacks, crying, or feeling an overwhelming urge to punch a wall. Sometimes, though, he just sat there, staring at the wall, and he didn’t want to punch it, but instead wanted the opposite; to do so much _nothing_ to it that he wished it would just disappear, and when it didn’t, okay, yeah, _then_ he wanted to punch it.

  5. The methods to madness are many and all lead to the same place: oblivion. We all appear to end up there anyway so one may tread in the direction they please.

    Mike Didj
  6. methods is something i dont use

  7. There are many methods to choose from. But are any of then right? My mind goes for one of them as my heart tells me go for the other. My questioning brain is filling me with doubt and uncertainty that I can no longer bear.

  8. i use my methods for everything if you dont like it well to to bad i love the way i live in the darkness and you cant change the way i am. never will you be able to do so, this is my life

    Luna Wolf
  9. there are so many methods, so many ways to go. which method can i choose? i mean, suicide is a huge decision, and the way you choose to go is important. but i’m not. i’m nothing. so is my suicide nothing? or does it depend on the method?

  10. There’s a method to my madness: what a cliche, but truthful, phrase. From the outside, everything you do will look bizarre. Only you really understand yourself. Don’t stress.

  11. Tripping and fumbling through the vlasrrom she guild hear the glass beakers clanking in the box. The Vinson burner shone brightly behind her as she whispered to herself. “What was the formula what method was used?”

  12. Is there a method to my madness? Sometime there is and sometimes there isn’t. I would like to think my actions and thoughts are always in control, but reality is that My heart leads me in the directions i go; And my heart can be a very tricky thing to follow sometimes.

  13. I don’t think my methods are working out for me.
    I don’t seem to have any drive or ambition to actually create much less execute a particular method.
    What kind of methods work?

  14. I don’t have any. I’m you and I’m her and I’m void. I haven’t been able to bring myself to do anything for a very long time. I don’t read I don’t watch I just sleep. I sleep and I eat and I shit and I renew

  15. The word always invokes the memory of someone saying there is a method to their madness and me remembering that there is a madness in their method. Oh and …

  16. Methods… are the way in which an individual does something. Each person has their own methods, but none can be considered wrong or right. Methods are there to help us express our individuality.

    Our lives are methods.

  17. I don’t know. I really like to be alone. I’m caring about people less and less. I’m civil enough at work but when I’m home I just want to be home. I’m tired of the tiny details involved with human interaction, I just want to sleep.

  18. I don’t think I could figure this out if my life depended on it. I’m not even sure if there is a madness anymore, or if there ever was. I’m just pushing it. I want it to happen so I have a story… But its already over.

  19. science
    school failure
    boy sex math life sucks
    tuesday procedures
    seconds different same difficult

  20. some way to do thing and its up to you, you define your own way to do things, thou there are thing that can be done only one way. different methods leads to creativity.

  21. There are methods to my madness. The things I do or say may seem senseless to you, but they are not. You need to peel the layers, to see what I’m really saying. I don’t mean to confuse you. But that is just how I am.

  22. So many different methods, all for the same goal. But if i’m right and you’re right, who’s right?

  23. there are many methods of ways to do things in life, how would anyone ever know who is truly correct, no one ever will. we all would like to think that our method of going threw the day, or dealing with a situation is the proper way but who is to say that is is? no one is.

  24. Methods are key to everything that Carly does. Freestyling is not her style. Let’s get real. Trial and error only results in error. Carly knows that; Carly realizes that. That’s why she only uses methods. Methods have proven to work, and that’s what she wants; for things to work.

  25. I like finding methods that I can use to succeed. I have a thing for academic success and will follow the perfect method I can find to get it. I just hope I can find methods in my career. I’ll be pursuing something that I can use many methods in anyways.

  26. People want methods, lists, recipes. A method to reform education. No Child Left Behind, Common Core, standardized testing ever more stringent. If the people in charge would just run a half-broken net through a few online political blogs they’d see, setting methods isn’t so simple.

    How come it is that the people who set the methods are never the ones who listen, who think, who are connected to the communities?

    Of course. Politics is a prisoner’s dilemma.

    Read too many ground-shaking blog posts recently, drowns out my creative mood, replaces it with a tape player in my brain going how how how how how

  27. ways of doing things. Traditions which are held in place. Methodical, slow, perfect. Perfection. Perfect traditions. Business as usual. Something so normal and usual nobody even thinks about the way they are doing it. They are ingrained into us from the moment we are born.

  28. The method matters. They say that the ends justify the means, but they do not. If the method is wrong, then the result is wrong. You see, it’s not the eventual destination. We all reach the same destination in the end; death. So — how we get there? Of course it matters. Of course it changes things. That’s the difference between a fulfilled life and an empty one. It is not the eventual destination but the journey there that counts the most.

    Sunny Patel
  29. “Can you please explain your methods to me?”
    “My methods?”
    “But of course! I’ve been coming to you for several months now and I’m not feeling any better! I pour my soul out to you to make you see how I feel, but you never help me!”
    “How can I help you if you won’t help yourself?”

  30. my first time.. an impossible word to describe. dont think just write that is my method. I keep looking down at that purple bar moving across the bottom of my screen.

  31. They asked me how I wanted to be killed.
    I was in jail. Death row. I apparently killed someone.
    I had to decide my method of death.
    Hung, firing squad, electric chair.
    How do you decide how you are going to leave the planet?
    The worst part is… I didn’t even do it.
    Methods of misunderstanding.

  32. methods are a persons practices or thoughts they have on something, in my opinion. idk its hard to explain, but some people have good methods, some people dont.

  33. i work at a coffee shop, so it’s no question that when i hear the word “methods” my mind automatically travels to cocoa grove. inside cocoa grove are my coworkers, and each of us have our own methods of creating drinks, and sometimes even food. the women of the shop are a little less tidy, surprisingly!

  34. There are no real methods to doing things. People believe that there are, but in reality what people do not know is that others truly just make things up as they go. It’s all improvised. “When in doubt, improvise!” was a line I always heard. Grew up on it. Loved it. Can’t follow it. We all want to believe that there is a set way of doing things, but as we grow older, we see that we can do things our own way–whether or not it’s the “easy” way.

  35. lost and desperate
    hoping to be magnanimous

    and then it begins, as i see
    shrivels of hope,
    beams of light,
    staffs of red
    the irony
    the ivory colour of your eyes
    the sensation, the desire
    as the seconds ticking by

    tell me,
    i find my way

    and then im back
    in this lost and desperate


  36. lost and desperate
    hoping to be magnanimous

    shrivels of hope,
    beams of light,
    staffs of red
    the irony
    the ivory colour of your eyes
    the sensation, the desire
    the seconds ticking by

    tell me,
    i find my way

    and then im back
    in this lost and desperate

  37. Methods are regarded higher than goals. A person’s method to achieve their goal is in action longer than the end goal. Therefore people who use some what unethical or unscrupulous methods to a noble goal are still regarded as unethical or unscrupulous themselves

  38. methods are things the way you do them not the way anyone else does but exactly how you do… you can do the method anyway youd like either if its a teachers method of ding a lesson, or a doctors method of doing surgery… whatever it is, you do it your own way. because you are who you are and not nayone lese. mehtods are a way of doing life! and thast how it is in life…ya, well dont copy people and have fun with your methods!!!

  39. “My methods have always seemed to work,” said the disgruntled psychiatric, “except for on you! What makes your case so different from the rest?” The doctor squeals as she paces the floor profusely. The patient just glazely stared.

  40. stanislavski. i repeat and repeat my life experiences to make one scene. one single scene from a memory. that’s the method. that’s the task. but what have you experienced that is worth anything? are you worth anything? are you
