
Nutrition: there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. My doctor once described me as 'well-nourished.' That was a nice euphemism for 'overweight.' Better than 'obese,' I suppose, but only barely.
Have I had too much nutrition? Seemingly.
Let's get underway! This will be a fun trip to an unknown desination. What's that you say? You don't like surprises? Oh, too bad, did I tell you, the contract says you can't back out.
Better read the fine print next time, hmm?
A nice espresso drink is a pleasure while writing. Generally hot, but sometimes iced, the caffeine is often welcome, but even a caffeine free drink is nice. Stimulation of any sort, the association of pleasure with writing --- a great combination.
The ambassador knew he was just a political hack, but that didn't stop him. He was going to use his position to full advantage. He was owed as much. Hadn't he been a fund-raiser, money-launderer, fix-it man? He had it coming. Anything he could get, he'd take.
It feels like I've lost my sanity. Or was it already too late for that? Perhaps I've been like this my entire life. That's completely possible, and I think some others believe it to be so. Who is to say if they are right? Can I make that determination myself, in a fair and unbiased manner?
She worshipped him, and that was her big mistake. No one was that good, no one that deserving of her love and trust in such an unconditional manner.
And then, one day, he proved it. Proved her wrong. Betrayed her.
She thought she might never recover, but she was wrong again.
They were all standing on the sidelines, waving their flags at the men and women who were debarking from the military aircraft.
It had been a long and difficult time, but they were finally home,
perhaps to stay, perhaps just for a while; but there would be happiness
at last.
Even as an adult, it's fun to act juvenile once in a while. Perhaps not so very mature, but still fun.
When we're older, we'd like to be younger. When we're young, we want to be older --- just not too old, you know, like over 25.
Why can't we be content with who we are?
Swept away by the tides. It seems that's how life has been. As I get older, the days pass. Swept under the bridge. Swept away.
Eventually there will be a final clean sweep.
Skaters, meaning skate boarders, are right up there with pickup truck drivers in their attitudes. As in, mostly arrogant you know whats. Not all of them, of course, but more of them than you woudl think.
The worst are the ones that bring their skateboards on the bus. They are usually losers.
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