I paid my dues
I asked for forgiveness
I ran the miles
I answered the questions
I fought for my life
Why is this check so small?
Once there was a king
Who made us kiss his ring
But we saw through him like tempered glass
And told him sorely, to kiss our ass.
Everything I own
I wish I could fit it all in
And walk the road in freedom
Because freedom is not a destination
But a state of mind
Tell me I’m wrong
Fix my disposition
Mark my words
With red slashes
And unhappy faces
It is amazing to me
All of these things come to pass
All of these voices without purpose
All of these falling horses
Staggering to the stable
Refusing the water
Declaring freedom from the cowboy
Tick tack toe?
Whats that number?
Im high, so lets play a game in the dark.
If I touch you, you're it.
If you touch me, well, I'd love it!
Its the one thing I miss
Cold steel and hate
It keeps me up nights
And makes me sleep late
If my emotions only knew
What could be held as true
Id empty all the love
from a barrel of fun flower
My one true love
She has always been my butterfly
Gliding around my senses
Taking my attention
Filling the sky with love
My heart is beating,
The wooden claims
of my serenity
my sanity
What makes you, you,
What makes me, me
Combine us like magic symmetry
into everything that equals one
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