I like to be dizzy sometimes, I fell lighter. It happens when I feel good with my body. Too much dizziness is unpleasant.
unit circle surface=Pi^2, circumference=2Pi, in complex analysis interesting contour of integration, am I turning in circles?
district a place to go, a location to remember, a way to divide a town
Religious to have faith on a bigger than yourself figure.
I was never able to grow one. I would have looked wiser lie an old serious imposing figure. Or I could have grown it and had my own band.
Cheated is an horrible feeling, It feels like the word comes to an end and you are burned alive. It is the source of great pain.
I was misled to believe it will be easy. I am misled by my trust in humanity and Generosity.
Not everything is disposable but everyone is. Way in way out and recycled if you believe the Buddhists.
Crumble like a pie or crumbling like an old man carrying the weight of his life.
This is fate maybe. But I need a guidance, a light at the end of the tunnel. For some reasons guidance is gone, only dark is left.
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