
June 4th, 2014 | 120 Entries

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120 Entries for “stalling”

  1. Escape or abandon, to run faster than a heart can carry, all objects packed and ready to relocate. He will never see it coming. Through the kitchen and out the window throw away the domestic version and do away with this apparent bliss. Calling for a new start because you’ve stalled in the current

  2. Quit stalling, he said, she said
    Wait, I said, or you said,
    Who said, what said,
    The room said, to whom said
    Quit stalling, they said!

  3. I’m pretending that I can’t see the slow
    of time
    as I type the first words I have written in years
    is it years?
    have I waited that long?
    how long did I ignore that steady
    of time
    as I let other things
    my hands.

  4. Some people say it’s annoying. Some say it’s weird. I say it’s a great form of art. There is an inevitable thing about stalling. It can either hold back pain, or make you anxious. It depends. Are you the stallee or the staller? Who knows? We all stall sometimes. We stall death. No one really wants to die, but it will happen one day. We try to have fun and keep our minds away from death until then.

  5. It’s easy to stall on something you’re dreading. You don’t want to deal with difficulty and hardship. And yet, you can put off doing something you want as well for the very same reasons. You know what the end result is — you want it. But you don’t want to work for it, or maybe you feel like you don’t deserve such a happy ending.

  6. Sitting on a chair
    with clammy hands
    and a lost smile
    i glanced around,
    trying to stall myself
    from walking into
    the room.

  7. He can’t see this. He can’t. Nothing will ever be the same. No more apple pie life if he so much as glances this way. ‘Dear can you get me a snack?’ I ask. He nods and doesn’t turn around. Thank god. He leaves to fulfill my request and I hurry to whip the blood off my hands.

  8. Well, I’m supposed to be writing about the word stalling, but I really have no ideas. You know who would have ideas? My great uncle Charles,. He was a really neat guy. He served in World War 2 and did some really cool stuff.

    Jayce Fryman
  9. I was putting it off. It was approaching fast, a giant steam engine with an ear-blasting whistle, a warning, and I was trying to set it off its rails. I could not put its breaks on. I could not stop the collision. I could only stand there and try to distract for a moment before the ultimate contact.

  10. pace the space of the room back and forth to and from here we go, my angel where are you going where are you going stop right there i’ll have to report you to the authorities police police i warn you i’ll have you arrested my bench, my bench, my bench
    i want it i want it i want it pace the space back and forth to and from stop go

    Robert Stinner
  11. milk-thistle, chipmunk, a swooping fly
    you delight in each
    My Stalling Stallion
    leg-tickle, snort grunt, a gliding stride,
    you decline to reach
    My Stalling Stallion

  12. “Quit stalling, Pete. Get to the point.” Ella huffed, crossing her arms.

    Pete rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Okay, fine…my point is…well…will you marry me?”

    Blue Iris
  13. I didn’t know what stalling was until i lokked for it in the dictionary. Perhaps what I did was a clear expample of stalling. As far as I understand it has to do something with delay. I didn’t have the chance to look at the expamples…

  14. i want to go see lorde in october in berkeley, but i’m not sure i REALLY want to. friends want to, and i love lorde, so i want to tell friends yes. i did see her recently in oakland… anyway, i’m stalling on giving my friends an answer.

  15. Are you still stalling? This seems like yesterday’s prompt. Perhaps it’s because I wrote at a late hour yesterday, and in the Hawaiian time zone that might already have been past midnight in oneword server’s time zone.

    I dunno, but here I am again with the same prompt!

  16. She was stalling. He knew it, but he didn’t know why. Did it have to do with the enormous carboard box that stood in the corner of their apartment? The one that was the size of a refrigerator box, and that he was 83% sure hadn’t been there the day before? He watched her blue eyes dart back and forth between it and his face, the nervous smile playing on her lips in a way that made him want to laugh.

    Bethany Adams
  17. What is stalling? What I’m doing because I don’t know what to write about stalling. It’s a easy thing to do with some people, but others can see right through it. It’s a useful skill to develop at any rate.

  18. TICK. TOCK. TICK. TOCK. Time slips, people wait. Again. Again. Again.

  19. Writing: wait stop think, stalling is not going to make it come any quicker – any better. You need to be creative; charge forward; not back-words . waiting for it to come to you. Write what you want to happen what you need to happen. Free write. Freely write.

  20. Stalling was the word on 6/4 there was no word for 6/5 and here it is 6/6 and the same word is still in use. I need new words. I crave them like the hummingbird crave sweet nectar from the flowers. I devour them as a black widow spider devours its mate. I protect them as a mother lioness protects her cubs. I cry to thee as a baby cries to its mother for comfort and care. I cry for words more words. New challenging words to feed my senses and sooth my hunger. Help me. Feed Me. My mind waits in anticipation for my next daily ration.

  21. To be completely honest i have no idea what this word means and id love to get another word that i do understand, at least have a quite good understanding of. why do i not get other words

  22. Poor internet connection gives us all sorts of problems, my web searches keep stalling.

  23. Agnes was extremely proficient at stalling. Having been repeatedly assured by her mother when she was younger that she did not, and never would really fit in, she found it best to ensure she never finished anything that might afford her a place of rejection anywhere.

  24. “Quit stalling,” she mumbled aloud, but she remained rooted to the spot. The shambles of her mother’s room – the bed piled high with clothing, the rambling piles of paper and books, the dirty dishes – overwhelmed her and filled her with dread and sorrow.

  25. Stalling.
    Resistance to start.
    Dreaming of completion.
    Fighting with commencement.

    Resistance to start.
    Unable to concentrate.
    Fighting with commencement.
    Is it fear or apathy?

    Unable to concentrate.
    Dreaming of completion.
    Is it fear or apathy?

  26. yawning tired bleary-eyed i look for more life and lose it to a doona
    i just want time out to think

  27. She walked up to the doors, slowly turning around, waiting if he will make any more sounds. She stalled for a bit, but then grinned, everything is calm and nice. He is on the floor, face down, and slowly a pool of red blood spreads around him. It has been done, she stalled it for so long, but now she stalled one last time before she closed the door forever

  28. Stalling means preventing something from happening.

    Cynthia Coleman
  29. Oh no. I’ve done it again! I wish the word changed at midnight so I wouldn’t keep making the same mistake.

  30. i wish the words would pour out from my chest
    but i keep them locked because i am selfless
    because i would rather let my insides corrode my outsides
    than to let us rot from the outside in
    anyone would call it a sin
    but i just call it

  31. what a strange little thing this is
    to be stuck on the freeway
    every breath i can’t exhale
    anxiety car crash i can’t forget
    without you my life’s complete
    stalling in a place of deep regret
    why didn’t i take surface streets?

    matt m
  32. So quit stalling and start writing! You’ll always find a million lame excuses. If you say you’re a writer then why aren’t you writing? What’s the matter, you hate your hobby? Pretty weird.

    Go on, get with the program. Show your stuff. Let’s see what you’ve got.

  33. Stalling. That moment when you reach exceedingly, painful anxiety of being judged. So you stop, but only for a moment. Or maybe when you fake it. You try to pull a curtain over the inevitable. Yet stalling can never last long enough to hide your truths, or your lies.

  34. “I don’t know what’s going on,” he said. “I think my car is stalling.”
    He turned his head to me like I knew what the problem was. “It’s probably and elf messing with your engine. Pull over and I’ll check it.”
    He pulled over and I got out of the car and opened the hood. I asked for a flashlight and he tossed me one from the window. “Thanks.” I said.
    I dug around a bit, looking for something that might be the cause of the problem with the doo-hickey because neither of us had any idea how cars worked, but when I pulled out a cap of come sort, a little body sprung out of it. I stared at it while it crawled out. Looked like an elf.
    “Sorry,” he said in a squeaky voice. “I dropped my burger in there and I didn’t want to lose it. The car should be working fine, move along.” He waved his tiny hands at me, took the cap from my hand, and closed the thing. I closed the hood and went back in the car.
    “It should be working now.”
    “What was wrong with it?” he asked.
    “Eh, some food got stuck in there.”
    “Srange.” He started the car.
    “I’ll say.”

    Susan Rother
  35. I don’t know how to tell him.
    He’s only here because I don’t have any other options.
    I’ll keep stalling as long as I have to.
    It hurts me more than it hurts him.
    Trust me.
    When it’s time it’s time. Until then.
    I’m sorry

  36. it’s not putting your horse away
    more like putting your life on hold
    keeping your thoughts out in the cold
    taking your sweet time towards going home
    or saying what’s really on your mind

    James Foster
  37. “Quit stalling!” growled Evelyn, waiting impatiently outside Avi’s bedroom. “If you take too long, we’ll be late for the show and miss the chance to see the first act!”

    Avi groaned as he buttoned his vest. He knew how important the play was to Evelyn. He also knew that the reason she was watching it was a stupid one. Ralph, who played the lead, was an alleged studmuffin – but he had never been interested in Evelyn.

    Belinda Roddie
  38. she was stalling because her father died
    today I’m stalling, I have receveid a sad new about my job, I need to relax a little bit

  39. stop
    things stoped
    things that don’t move
    The business are stall

  40. She couldn’t stop stalling when it came to just admiting the facts. If she let those three tiny words escape from her mouth, everything would be over for her. At least, that’s the way she convinced herself it would turn out. Instead of saying it, she’d make all sorts of excuses and find a way to run. That’s what she was best at, after all – finding some way to run whenever she felt like she needed to.